David Sloan
Lane High SchoolBiography
David Sloan, a lifelong Charlottesville resident, was born in 1955 and played football at Lane High School between 1970 and 1972. He muses about everything from playing for coaches Tommy Theodose and Joe Bingler (“There was nothing easy about it”) to lacrosse (“…pretty much a white preppy person’s sport”) to the interracial social life of high school as well as college athletes (“It seemed like there was an awful lot of attraction from the boys and girls for each other that had come together…probably like anywhere”). Sloan graduated from Lane in 1973 when he was 18 years old and went on to play on the football team at the University of Virginia. As he matured, he became increasingly aware of the challenges faced by Black students and of racial disparities. He has become an activist, working to bring White and Black people together.
Full Interview
“I never asked my parents how I ended up in a private school.”
David Sloan
“He was scared to death about his first day at Clark Elementary School.”
David Sloan
David Sloan
David Sloan
“It was hard playing football for Tommy Theodose and Joe Bingler.”
David Sloan
“Student athletes socializing and hanging out together. I don’t recall that when I was at Lane.”
David Sloan
“I think it was separate but equal, to borrow an old term.”
David Sloan
“Didn’t know it then, but clearly it was racism that was a part of that.”
David Sloan
“We were very aware that we were white and they weren’t.”
David Sloan
“If he were coaching today the way he coached then, he would be in jail.”