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Andy Minton

Albemarle High School

Andy Minton: Salem was a small town, more rural.  I mean, Roanoke County’s a big county.  Let’s see, I moved to Albemarle County, and I thought, man, I’d really moved into the middle of nowhere.  I mean, I didn’t know anything about the City of Charlottesville.  I knew about Lane High School, just because of their reputation.  And I was sort of upset that my parents didn’t try to get me there so I could play there; for whatever reason, they moved to the county.  I don’t know.  I mean, the university had a lot of influence in this town.  Good and bad, I’m sure.  But I was just so happy to be able to go on a full ride and play the sport I really enjoyed, and sort of, I guess, let chips fall where they may.

Phyllis Leffler: For sure.

Andy Minton: Yes, ma’am.