Veronica Jones headshot

Veronica Jones

Jefferson, McGuffey, Venable, Walker, Burley, Lane.

Because I was the only girl in the family, and that was in the house, didn’t nobody mess with me, because I had a brother, and I had uncles.  And I really could hold my own anyway, but that was the case then.  My grandmother, her job was she used to iron clothes for white families.  My mother was a nanny for two little white boys, and their parents was doctors at UVA.  Dr. Fiveashes, both of them was a doctor.  And they would, whenever school started, they would give our mother extra money so she could buy clothes and shoes for me to go to school.  If we didn’t have that much food in the house, Dr. Fiveashes would give mom money for that also.  But it wasn’t all that much, because we had the garden, you know, we might have string beans, and fried potatoes, and black eyed peas, but we might have no meat on the thing, but it was okay.