Mary Johnson

Mary Johnson

Jefferson School, Burley High School

As far as doing my work and stuff, I did my work and stuff, but I liked Burley because I liked the sports and I always liked physical ed and stuff like that.  When I first went to Burley, I had signed up for art class and they had asked us to draw a horse, and I was drawing my horse, and I seen other horse that other people drawed.  I drawed mines up and went on in the chorus.  I had a stink horse and everybody else had a pretty horse, and I said, "Uh-uh."  I got out the art class and I said, "Uh-uh, that ain’t going to do."  I went into chorus.  But I enjoyed it.  The teachers and things, they were nice.  They taught us very well and everything, yeah.  We had a lot of fun over there with the classmates and playing against a lot of teams and stuff like that in soccer and stuff.  We had one girl — she passed away now.  Her name was Merle Alexander.  Whenever we had to play soccer or something, they always put you in a line and take one step out, and step out to get your team together, and me and her always tried to can dance so we’d be on the same team.  And we did the same thing with basketball.  We wanted to be on the same team.