Robert King
Jefferson Elementary School, Venable Elementary School, Lane High SchoolRobert King: We did have pads.
Lorenzo Dickerson: You had pads? Okay.
Robert King: Somebody had a Burley helmet, an old Burley helmet with Burley pads. Big wide shoulders on these little guys. But I would always order what I wanted through Sears catalog. And I’d circle, “Dad I want this.” And it was a Baltimore Colts uniform. Complete uniform. You know, the whole pants, white pants with the striped sides and the pads that you shove in the inside of them. Shoulder pads and helmet. But Kent teases me, one day we was coming off the field he says, “Robert did you bring your pads?” I say, “I got them on.” It was so little it looked like there was no pads there. But they did some help, you know. But it was just that stuff you, trinket stuff you get off from Sears catalog. So yeah, we had helmets. It’s all whatever you could find.
Lorenzo Dickerson: Okay, so you all played tackle.
Robert King: We played tackle. Yeah. That’s what made us so rough to be ready for Lane. We played tackle, yeah.