Robert King
Jefferson Elementary School, Venable Elementary School, Lane High SchoolThe dump is the biggest field at Venable. It’s the long field at the bottom, like you’ve got different playgrounds. There’s the upper playground and there’s another one that’s paved. And still you go further down. And we played football. Basketball. There was a basketball rim down there. There was a baseball diamond. And there was just a big field. The same size of any football field, 100 yards. And that’s where I started playing sports. Kent, me, T.J. Wells that I told you I hoped you would get to see and talk to, all of us. There was a lot of us, lot of us. And in those days when we would get together to play a football game, it was about rivalries. Community rivalries. You had gangs, other communities had gangs, we had football games. And we played to see who was the best in that community.