Wade Tremblay
Lane High School, Fork Union Military Academy, Albemarle High SchoolAnd again I wasn’t here during that late ’60s, early ’70s and after that for about a 10-year stretch. But I recall is it was a bumpy road. There were those that were accepting of it. When did UVA stop playing “Dixie” as their fight song at the football games? That went on a long time, well into the ’70s if not into the ’80s. So when was the feeling, let me say the old-fashioned feelings about they’re really not a part of us put aside? That probably didn’t happen till the ’80s or ’90s. And, George, as you and I both know living in this community, you don’t have to dig very deep to still find vestiges of that. I think it is largely papered over and largely behind us with most folks. But there are still -- it takes generations to put these kinds of feelings behind and have people come to grips with the idea that, wait a minute, that way of thinking is just mistaken, wrong, whatever other adjective you want to put on it.