Peyton Humphrey headshot

Peyton Humphrey

Venable Elementary School, Johnson Elementary School, Lane High School

I think really on the school scene you have to — it really disrupted and destroyed school life for a semester.  So you would go to class and go home.  There were no — ordinarily you would have school, and everybody’s there together, and they’re going to lockers, and going from classroom to classroom, and then having lunch, and doing the things that you did in high school.  And suddenly all that’s going so you were sort of isolated as a student.  You went home — I mean, you didn’t hang out anywhere.  There was a restaurant across from the school called the Black Knight and I can’t remember when that opened — I think that was opened during my junior year.  It was located right where the Citizen’s Commonwealth building is now.  But again, you just — there was no way to sort of stay together and get together as a junior class or whatever.  And maybe that — you were so isolated.